What form of energy travels through the auditory nerve?

How the Ear Works


Video Instruction




Sound Needs a Medium


Wave Characteristics

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Show Me The Physics Website



This movie is part of the collection: Prelinger Archives

Production Company: ERPI Classroom Films, Inc. Distributed by Encyclopedia Britannica
Audio/Visual: sound, B&W
Creative Commons license: Public Domain

School blocks YouTube? Use link below.







What is this speaker component called?

What kinds of waves does it produce?

High or low frequency?






Woofer, Outputs low frequency waves





II. Characteristics of Periodic Waves


A. Frequency(f) = #vibrations/sec



= # Cycles/# sec



= Hertz (Hz)

Source: Elroy M. Avery School Physics
(New York: Sheldon and Company, 1895) 202

Clipart ETC



Heinrich Hertz was the first to send
and receive radio waves.







 - Determined by

of Wave,

Not Medium


Cycle = (single vibration) 





How many cycles between the dots?




3 Cycles








Ex) 10 cycles pass a fixed point in a wave train in 5 seconds.
What is the frequency of the wave?


f = 10 cycles =  2 cycles 
5 seconds 1 sec



f = 2 Hertz (Hz)





Top View of a Wave

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Sound Waves
David Kirby - U. of Calif.






Top view of a periodic wave
(Each line is a crest)







Physics 2000







Review - Longitudinal or Transverse?

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Ex) A wave generator operating for
4 seconds
produces the waves drawn below.

Top view of a periodic wave
(Each line is a crest)


How many waves are drawn between A and B? (Be careful!!)

What is the frequency of this
periodic wave train?



8 cycles




f = 8 cycles/4 sec




f = 2 cycles/sec 




Ex) 2 cycles pass a fixed point in a wave train in 10 sec.

What is the frequency ?




f = # Cycles/# sec




f = 2 Cycles/10 sec


f = .2 Hz

• Sound, frequency is pitch.


Source: Elroy M. Avery School Physics
(New York: Sheldon and Company, 1895) 247

Clipart ETC


• Light, frequency is color.




Human Ear:

Frequency Range


 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz.



Did you know dogs are

capable of hearing

higher pitch sounds

than humans? 



The range of frequencies you
can hear changes with age. 

How old are you?


How to get rid of teenagers 


School blocks YouTube? Download link below.

CBC - Moving Sound Technologies.mov

Ringtones the old folks can't hear

Ear Animation

2006 McGraw-Hill Higher Education









How Sound Works



Sound of a bell in a vacuum

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UC Irvine Physics and Astronomy Videos


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