

A girl applies a 5 N east force on a dresser. Her brother also exerts a 5 N force. Why didn't the dresser move?



When doesn't 100 + 100 = 200?

Vector Addition - The Setup


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Video Instruction




B. Combining Force Vectors


ant- single vector that will have the same effect as two or more vectors




2 + 2 = 4 Right???


Sometimes !!!!!

Not always true
 with vectors



2 + 2 = 0




1) Finding Resultants.



Case I - Forces acting in same direction



(Angle = 0 degrees)





Resultant = 9 N East




Is resultant different than the one above? 





RULE when Ө =  0°

Add Forces





Case II - Forces acting in opposite direction (Angle = 180°)











Resultant = 40 N East



If  Ө  = 180°

Subtract smaller vector
from larger



Range of



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