

A boy and his sister exert a 5 N force eastward on a dresser. If their mother wants to prevent them from moving the dresser, how large must her force be?


Angles and Resultants

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Case III Ө ≠ 0° ≠ 180°


C. Combining Forces - Range of possible resultants


Ex) Forces of 100. N and 30. N force act on a body.  


Largest Possible Resultant =


Smallest Possible Resultant = ?




Largest Possible Resultant


= 130 N


Smallest Possible Resultant


= 70. N






Smallest Resultant




Largest Resultant






Concurrent Forces

All forces pass through
a common point

Not Concurrent


Ex) Which pair of concurrent forces may have a resultant of 20 nt?

a)  5 nt + 10 nt

b)  20 nt + 20 nt

 c)  20 nt + 50 nt

d)  30 nt + 5 nt  



Hint: Find the range of possible resultants for each choice


  Max   Min
a) 5 nt + 10 nt  15 nt 5 nt
b) 20 nt  +  20 nt  40 nt  0 nt
c) 20 nt  +  50 nt 70 nt 30 nt
d) 30 nt  + 5 nt 35 nt 25 nt


Angle = 90°


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