Rotational Kinematics

A rolling object can have 2 motions:

[ Larger ]


a) Rotational Motion (radians/s)

b) Translational  Motion - (m/s)


Movement of object's center of mass from one (x,y) position to another (x,y) postion



In order to understand the physics of a rolling object, it's helpful to measure it rotational kinematics in terms of radians.


I. Radian



a) When a round object rotates 1 radian, it has travelled one radii


(unit - radian/sec)


b) One full rotation of a sphere = 360 degrees or .......

[ Larger ]


2p radians


c) One radian is about ....



57 degrees


d) Converting radians to d




q = d/r


And d =


d = qr




Ex) How many radians does the arc s represent?


Number of radians q =




Ex 1) A wheel with a radius of 2.0 m rolls 5.0 m along the floor.

Find the number of radians rotated through.


q = d/r



2.5 radians




Ex 2) How many radians are subtended by a 0.10 m arc of a circle of radius of 0.40 m?


d = qr

.25 radians

Ex 3) How many degrees are subtended by a 0.10 m arc of a circle of radius of 0.40 m?


= .25 radians [360°/2pradians]



14 degrees


II. Angular Velocity:

a) defined - How fast something spins


b) w = radians/sec


c) Linear velocity (v) and Angular velocity w




 v = wr


v/r = w



Ex 4) A ball is rolling along the ground at 5.0 m/s.

If the ball's radius is .50 m, what is its angular velocity?


 v = wr


5 m/s = w(.50m)


w = 10 radians/sec


d) Rotating object's period - time
for one complete .....

...  rotation


Since w = [2p rad.]/T




T = 2p/w


T = 1/f

f = w/2p


Ex 5) Find the period for a rolling object with a rotational velocity of 10. rad/sec.

 Find period.


T = 2p/w


T = 2p/[10 rad/sec]



T = .63 sec



f = 1.6 Hz



III. Angular Acceleration


  • Symbol - a (rad/s2)

Review: Relating Linear motion to Rotational motion

d = rq

q = distance rotated in radians

v = rw


w - angular velocity


So … a = ra


Since a = v2/r

then ..

a = r2w2/r


a = rw2


Ex 6) A pool ball with a radius of 4.0 cm accelerates from rest to 5.0 m/s in .1 seconds.

 Find its angular acceleration.

Since all the info is linear, find a then convert


a = Dw/Dt




a = 50. m/s

a = r

a = 1.3 x 103 rad/s2




Match the rotational variable with its linear kinematic variable 

a =
w =

q =



d = ____ v = _____ a = _____


Linear Kinematics / Rotational Kinematics Conversion
Linear Kinematics Rotational Kinematics

a = DV/Dt

Vf = Vi + t 

= Dd/Dt

Vf2 = Vf2 + 2aDd

d = Vit + ½ at2


Ex 7) A ball with a radius of .10 m starts from rest and accelerates down a 10. m incline and attains a velocity of 8.0 m/s.

Find it’s ANGULAR acceleration.

Find a then a


 Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad






a = 3.2 m/s2

a = ra

a = 32 rad/s2





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