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BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Highlight the questions you were assigned,


Field Lines

Charges and Fields - Part I

In which general direction do all the electric field lines point near the positive charge?


near the negative charge? ____________________

Where is the electric field strongest?


What is the geometric shape of the field between the charges? Click many times in this area until the pattern is clear. 


Charges and Fields Part II

Move the small yellow charges around each charge. What do you think it means when the arrows get bigger as you move the small charges near the bigger charge?


Is the yellow charge positive of negative? __________

Explain your answer.


Current Electricity

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Highlight the questions you were assigned,


Electric Circuit Activity  IMPORTANT - Scroll down to the SECOND circuit on this page where it says "Procedure for Series Circuit"

Series Circuit

Series circuits and voltage

DIRECTIONS:  1) Close the circuit with your mouse (purple switch) 2) Press SHOW VOLTAGES.

1. List the resistance values of the 3 bulbs originally in the circuit.    R = __________ R = __________ R = __________ 

2. What are the voltages of each of these bulbs?                           V = ________ V = ________ V = ________

3. How does the sum of the light bulbs voltages compare with the batteries voltage?


4. Drag and drop new light bulbs on top of the existing light bulbs.  How does the sum of the voltages of the new light bulbs compare with the batteries voltage?


5. What is the relationship between the size of the resistance of the bulbs and their brightness? (Experiment with different bulb arrangements)


Series Circuits and Current

DIRECTIONS:  1) Close the circuit with your mouse (purple switch)

2) Press SHOW CURRENTS and press HIDE VOLTAGES (make sure the circuit is closed)


6. What do you notice about the current going through each resistor?


7 Vary the bulbs in the circuits. What conclusion can you make about the size of the total resistance and the size of the total current in a series circuit? 


Parallel Circuit (Scroll DOWN a little)

DIRECTIONS:  Close the circuit with your mouse (purple switch)


8. Compare the size of the current going INTO the whole middle branch (two bulbs connected in parallel) with the SUM of the current in EACH bulb in the middle branch.


9. Drag and drop different size bulbs on to the middle branch. a) Compare the brightness of the low resistance bulbs with the brightness of the high resistance bulbs.


b) What is the relationship between the size of the resistors in the middle branch and their current.


Ohm's Law - University of Oregon

1. How much resistance must be placed into this circuit to make the light bulb light with the 12 volt battery?

    a) how much resistance for the 6? ________   18? ________  24?   ________        

2.  Determine the amperage (current) of the light bulb.


Magnetism - Check these out

Television Tube


Direct Current Electrical Motor

Induced Current