Which plot shows the relationship between frequency and period? Hint T = 1/f



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Can you figure this out?


Wavelength Notes



Trig. Review

Made using a spreadsheet created by Dan Hosey - Pittsford Sutherland HS



At which positions do you find the following degrees?

0 degrees 90 degree 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees
0.0 m

3 m 6m 9 m 12 m



Transverse wave - medium move in 2 directions

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D. Phase

"In Phase" (0° difference) – points on a single periodic wave that have the same displacement (from equilibrium  position) and moving in the same direction




Whole number of wavelengths apart?

A & ____ A & ____  B & ___ B & ___






A & E, A & I, A & M








B & _, B & _, B & _






B & F, B & J, B & N




"Out of Phase" (1800 difference)



- same displacement from equilibrium position but going in a different direction


˝, 1˝, 2˝ etc wavelengths apart



A & C, B & D, F & H 






Which 2 points are in phase?





C and F




 2 points that are 180°
 out of phase







B and D

E and G





E. Wavelength – distance between two consecutive points in phase


  • determined by medium


  • symbol  λ = lambda




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- length of one cycle #m/cycle








Made using a spreadsheet created by
Dan Hosey
- Pittsford Sutherland HS

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4 meters



Ex) Wavelength?

June 2000 Regents




λ = 5.0 m/2.5 cycles 




λ = 2.0 m 





Ex) Amplitude? Wavelength?




Amplitude = .10 m

Wavelength = .60 m






Ex) Amplitude A?,  B?,  C?

Jan 2004




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