

This picture is of a single car moving across a room. The picture shows its position at equal time intervals. Describe its velocity.


Video Instruction





Fill in the Blanks Notes


V. Finding displacement using V vs t graphs

since V = Δd/t


then Δd = Vt


Area under the plot

= displacement (distance) 






Ex) What is the displacement this object covered from t = 0 to t = 6 seconds?

d = Area of the triangle:




 = 1/2bh




= 1/2(6 sec)(70m/sec)



= 210 m


Ex 1)

Object's displacement from
 t = 1 sec to t = 3 sec?







d = Area = base x height




= (2 sec)(10 m/sec) = 20 m







Ex 2) Object's displacement from t = 6 sec to t = 8 sec ?

d = area of trapezoid


= 1/2 (h1 + h2) x base




d =  (25 m/s + 10 m/s) (2 sec)




= 35 m



Smallest displacement?

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Show Me The Physics

Ranking Task




Largest B, Smallest D




AP Question

Ex 3)

a) Find displacement after 4 seconds

b) At what time does the object return to its starting point?

After 4 seconds:

1/2(3 sec)-10 m/s + 1/2(1 sec)10 m/s

-15 m + 5 m

= -10 m



Answer: 5 seconds when d = 0


Ex 4)

When did car A catch up to car B?


Car A caught up to car B when their d are equal


At 60 sec:

Car  B: d= 60 m/s(30 sec) = 180 m

Car A: d =1/2(60 m/s)(60 sec) = 180 m



Free Fall


Amusing Surface Tension Experiment



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