


Approximately how much kinetic energy
does the green box acquire?

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Molecules in Motion



Video Instruction

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Fill in the Blank Notes


When work is done on or by a system



Ex 1) An object slides across a horizontal table which changes its KE from 20 J to 18 J in 2 sec.
What work does the object do against friction?



Ex 1) An object slides across a horizontal table which changes its kinetic energy from 20 J to 18 J in 2 sec. What work does the object do against friction?




W = 2 J



**Work against friction increases
an object's Internal Energy** (makes it hotter)

Friction is a
nonconservative force
(doesn't store energy)

(can't get back)





Joule Paddle

Conservation of Energy

Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No. 231, August, 1869.






Joule Paddle
Penn State Schuylkill







Work Energy Relationship


The work done on or by a system

= ΔKE + ΔPE + Wf


Wf - work done against friction





If ΔPE of yellow box = 30 J,
how much work did the green box do on it?

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Work done by the ball on the floor changes the ball's mechanical energy




When the WORK equation
 doesn't WORK,

Use an ENERGY equation.
When an ENERGY equation
 doesn't WORK,
Use the WORK equation







The strange behavior of liquid helium







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