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#6 - Slope of d vs t plot shows what motion?



(d) Displacement

(distance from start) meters


V = ∆d/∆t

= Velocity




Name the 2 motions

(d) Displacement
(distance from start) meters


1. Constant Positive Velocity

2. Constant Negative Velocity




Calculating Velocity

  V = ∆d/∆t 


 Calculating Velocity

  V = ∆d/∆t  


= (10. m - 5.0 m)/(4.0 s - 2.0 s)


= +2.5 m/s




A to B?

Constant velocity




B to C?



Increasing Velocity,
then Decreasing Velocity








 V = 0




D to E ?




Increasing Velocity


Ex) Describe the motion

d (cm)





Object at Rest



Motion Graphs
(d vs t)




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