At point P, the car hits
an area of ice and loses
all frictional force on its
tires. Which path does
the car follow on the ice?


June 2001 Regents






Tangent to
the semi-circle




Review - Velocity, Circular Motion

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Rutgers U. Videos




A. Equations & Vectors




Why is an object moving at constant speed
in a circle considered to be accelerating?





Because while its speed is not changing,
its direction is.


1. Centripetal Acceleration (ac) - acceleration toward center of curvature


 a)Equation: ac = V2




r - radius,
V - velocity



b) (V) Instantaneous Velocity - tangent to circle, in the direction of the motion



c) Centripetal Force (Fc) - force directed toward the center of the circle




Ex) A car moving in a circular path with a radius of 2.0 m has a velocity of 8.0 m/s.


What is the centripetal acceleration of this car?


Ex) A car moving in a circular path with a radius of 2.0 m has a velocity of 8.0 m/s. What is the centripetal acceleration of this car?



ac = V2



ac (8.0 m/s)2

2.0 m




ac = 64/2




ac = 32. m/s2








Circular Velocity Game (Flash)

[ HTML5 ] Game





Giancoli p. 130) 2, 4





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