Static Electricity Review 2

1.  Draw the electric field line arrows for the following spherical charges

     a) Positive Charge                     b) Negative Charge    c) Where is the electric field strongest?



2. What is the smallest possible charge in nature? _______________ Coulombs  OR ______ elementary charges

a) Which two particles have this charge? ___________     __________

b) Is this charge possible in nature?    - 8 x 10 -19 C _________

c) What is the charge in coulombs of +3 elementary charges? _________________

Explain _______________________________________

3 . Draw the electric field pattern between two parallel, oppositely charged plates.



4. Practice V = W/q problems E = F/q
5. Describe Millikan's famous oil drop experiment. What did he discover?


6. How would you move two like charges to increase their PE? closer together OR further apart

7. How would you move two opposite charges to increase their PE? closer together OR further apart


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