Projectile Review

1.  Make a chart showing the vertical and horizontal velocity of the projectile from t = 0 to t = 6 sec.

Vx (m/s) Vy (m/s)
10 30

Vix = 10 m/s  Viy = 30 m/s

    1a)  How does gravity change a projectiles vertical motion on the way up to the peak. Projectile Animation

    1b) A projectiles vertical velocity at the peak is always __________. Projectile Animation

    1c) How does gravity effect the vertical velocity of a projectile after an object passes the peak? Projectile Animation

    1d) What is the vertical acceleration of this ball? Vx/Vy Projectile Animation

    1e) What is the horizontal acceleration? Vx/Vy Projectile Animation

2.  A projectile takes 2 seconds to reach the peak of its parabolic path, what is the total time it spends in the air? Vx/Vy Projectile Animation

3. How should you aim at a target when you know it's going to fall when you shoot? Cyclops Animation


4. If an object is projected horizontally at 1000 m/s, what is Viy and Vix? (no trig is needed for this one)

        Viy = ________ Vix = ___________

Horizontal and Vertical Velocity Components

5.  What is the vertical component of a soccer ball's velocity if it is kicked at a speed of 10 m/s and an angle of 60 degrees? (see equation sheet - trig.)


6. What is the horizontal component?    (see equation sheet)

7. An object is dropped off a cliff and at the same time a second ball is projected horizontally at 10 m/s.

Compare the following for each object: Projectile fired horizontally & dropped

a) time spent in air just before hitting the ground

b) vertical height of both objects (show this in your drawing)

c) horizontal displacement (dx)

d) vertical acceleration

8. In the previous question, what is the horizontal velocity of the second ball when it hits the ground.

9. A 10 kg object an a 100 kg object are dropped simultaneously from the same height. Compare each object's:

    a) height at any point in time _________________

    b) time each spends in the air ________________

    c) vertical velocity at any point in time _________________

    d) vertical acceleration at any point in time_________________