Motion Graphs
(d vs t)



Acceleration Review



#7 - Acceleration - the time rate of change in ______










a = ∆V/∆t = (Vf - Vi)/t



Which data shows uniform acceleration? Why?

time (sec) Velocity (m/s)
0 5
1 7
2 9
3 11
4 13
time (sec) Velocity (m/s)
0 5
1 10
2 14
3 20
4 30




Left Data Shows Constant Acceleration

a = ?



a = 2 m/s2






Use a = ∆V/∆t
 to find the acceleration


a = 7.5 m/s2






Slope of a V vs. t plot
tells us about the objects ...


... acceleration


Slope = ∆y/∆x


= ∆V/∆t


= a





Acceleration is ...






Velocity is ...











Describe Acceleration, Velocity





Velocity is Decreasing,


Acceleration is
 constant, negative







a = V/t





 (15 m/s - 45 m/s )
    (8 sec - 2 sec)




= -5 m/s2





Describe acceleration and velocity

Velocity (m/s)


Acceleration is increasing


Velocity is increasing





Describe the Velocity, Acceleration





Velocity is increasing



Acceleration is constant & Positive





Velocity? Acceleration?





Velocity is decreasing




Acceleration is

constant & negative



Most important plots


Increasing Velocity
Constant Acceleration

Increasing Velocity
Constant Acceleration