Test Prep


New York State High School Regents Prep Center by Kwon, D

  This site should be more useful to us during the end of the year. Yet, when we study for tests and quizzes, it's useful to check it out once in a while.  It is a regents preparatory site for physics.  It is split into 11 topics, that are cut down to more detailed sections to help you out with the topics of physics you may be struggling with. These sections also have practice problems to perfect your knowledge on that  topic.  This site provides flash productions each chapter making it simple and easy to understand the topics.  This site provides information about  physics, quick 101 facts to know, multiple choice questions you can try out, and old exams you might like to see and review during your preparation for an exam.  I found it useful in a sense because when you have questions you can practice it and not just read  the material.


