Name  ________________________ Date ________

Section # ________
Plotting/Precision Pre-Lab Activity
d (cm) t (secs)
0 0
5 2
9 3
15 4
20 5
22 6
23 7
24 8
d (cm) t
0 0
2 5
6 10
10 20
18 25
22 30
26 35
30 40
d (cm) t
0 0
1 .4
9 .8
12 1.2
18 1.6
19 2.0
20 2.4
50 2.8
d (cm) t
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
3 8
5 10
4 12
3 14
y scale ____

x scale ____
y scale ____

x scale ____
y scale ____

x scale ____
    y scale ____

    x scale ____

Taking and Reporting Precise Measurements

1.  Use your ruler to measure the length of this line  __________      (8 points)

2.    All measurements are approximations.  The way you report a measurement describes the precision of your measuring device.

 Do all these measurements mean the same thing?  (10 points)   1.0      1.00     1.000
Yes or No?  Why?
When you report a number your last digit is looked on as an ________________.

Circle the number below that matches the measurement below


7.21 cm     Precise to a tenth of a cm                                 (10 points)

7.211 cm    Precise to a  _______________  of a cm              (10 points)

7.2 cm        Precise to a ________________ of a  cm             (10 points)

 How would you report this measurement? ________________          (5 points)




 How would you report this measurement? ________________           (5 points) 

 How would you report this measurement? ________________           (5 points) 


Lab Activity


1. Name one object in our classroom that has a length or width that is very close to 1 meter long  _______________ (3 points)

          a) Exactly what is this measurement?  __________ m (2 points)

2.  Estimate the height of Marist in meters _________________ m (3 points)
(Hand in on a separate piece of loose-leaf)

3.  Find something in your book bag that has a length or width that is very close to 1 cm long _______________ (3 points)

          a) Exactly what is this measurement?  __________ cm (3 points)

4. Use your meter stick and stop watch to find out the approximate walking speed of one of your lab partners.

    Speed = distance/time   _____________  =  ____________ (3 points)

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