D)        Friction - force between 2 surfaces that oppose motion


                        Depends on:

                    1)         ________________of each surface


                2)         __________________ that holds objects together

Two kinds of friction


fs         1)         Static Friction - force of friction that must be  overcome to move 

                        an object at _______________________.


            fk       2)         Kinetic Friction - force of friction that opposes a ____________ object.


Kinetic friction is ______________than static friction             fk ____ fs


Friction Equations

To find static friction:        fs= us Fn        To find kinetic friction:      fk = uk Fn


fs = force of ____________________friction


fk = force of ____________________friction


Fn = _________________force (The upward resisting force)


Us  =   coefficient of _________________friction - "the ___________________number"


Uk  =  coefficient of ________________friction - "the ___________________number"


1.                  Relates to ___________________of surfaces in contact

2.                  Calculated experimentally


FRICTION force - vector always drawn _________________________1.







Friction                       Applied Force




*** At constant velocity: F applied _________________________





***** When object is moving on a horizontal surface: Fn = ________= _______








 On a horizontal surface:


f s = ___________________     f k = ___________________                                                                        

Question 1


If an object is moving on a horizontal surface and you doubled the weight force on the object, how would that change the kinetic friction force?


Answer - (Hint: weight force = normal force on horizontal surface. ) ____________


Question 2


On a horizontal surface


Static Friction equation                           Kinetic friction equation


   f s= Fn Us = ______________                                 f k= Fn x Uk = _________________


Look at the equations above.


1)     What would happen to the kinetic friction (fk) if:


a)    Uk (the roughness number) were halved?


Answer -


b) You doubled the weight force (F)?            Answer - ______________



c) you turned the block on its' side?





***** Remember Fn = Weight  = mg when the object is on horizontal surface


Ex)      A 5kg Steel block is resting on a *horizontal table*.  The coefficient of static friction (Us) is 0.75 and the Uk is 0.57.


a)        What is the minimum force is needed to start this block moving (fs) ?


b)       What is the frictional force on this object as it moves?


c)       What force must be applied to the object to keep it moving at constant velocity? 


        (Hint:  F net = 0)  Answer ____________

Momentum - the property of moving object has that makes it __________________.


Momentum = _________ x _____________


      p                    =          ____________________________

(kg . m/s)                                


a)                _________________ quantity

b)                p has same direction as ___________________

c)                 units - kg×m/s


1) Relationship between force and momentum


When a Force acts on a body it changes its' ___________________


Showing the mathematical relationship


p   =   m   x   v                                                           F = m   x   a


 = ___________________                       F =    ___________________                                                                                

F =  ____            Force is the time rate of change in _____________________



Cross multiply and you get ……..          =  _________


The  change in momentum  that an unbalanced force produces on an object depends on


 ___________________the force acts on a body.


2) Impulse                F x  t  =  J


Combining all the equations






Write on your test immediately before answering questions


ex1)    A 5kg mass has its velocity change from 8 m/s east to 2 m/s east.  Find the objects change in momentum






ex 2)    A 5kg mass moving with a velocity of 8 m/s east has an impulse applied to it causing its velocity to change to 20 m/s East.

            Find the Impulse:




                        Find the force if the impulse was applied for 3 sec.




ex 3)    How long would it take for a net upward force of 100N, to increase the speed of a 50kg from 100 m/s to 150 m/s.






ex4)    A 1.0kg ball traveling @ 4 m/s strikes a wall and bounces straight back @ 2m/s. 

Find ______


            (a)        =          = ______________


            (b)  What is impulse applied to the ball? 


            (c) What is the impulse applied to the wall?