Making Waves

An Online Guide to Sound And Electromagnetic Radiation

Created by the 1996 Physics students at St. Mary's H.S. Manhasset, U.S.A.

[ Sound | Radio | Microwave | Infrared | Light and Lasers |
Ultraviolet | X - Rays | Gamma Rays ]

Other Wave Pages on the Web

Wave Lessons


Special Thanks

This page was made possible through generous donations of hardware and software by the St. Mary's Alumni Association and various benefactors in the community of Manhasset.

' Extra Credits '

Extra thanks go to junior, Peter Palmiotto for the long hours he spent after school applying much of the html coding and cutting edge layout and design you see on these pages. Additional thanks go to Ted Meyers and Adrienne Infante for the long hours they spent editing the text that appears on these pages.